Thursday, 25 October 2012

Her day - not mine

Happy birthday 
Happy day I began
Such an occasion
Such a time. 

Is it still special 
Now that you are gone. 
Does it still matter 
Without me in your arms 

Am I still special without 
your gaze on me
Can I still believe, everything 
you told me I'd be?

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Open words

Words, sense
Inspiration is nothing
Meaning everything
Wear every letter
Paint every sound
Rounder, louder
More real than the paper it’s on.
Break out of the mould
Speak the unspeakable
Write sentences of insanity
That explain the inexplicable
Vocabulary exalting
Above all other signs
Plummeting to the top of the world
So easily misunderstood

Subjection, comparison,
Contradictions infuriating
Truth or false
But who’s? And where’s?
Just a word
More real than on paper
Echoing the caves
Vibrating through our journeys
Published on their skin
Faded into lines
Damp with dried tears
Turn the page;
Write the next.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Not mine

21st October - you don't belong to me
But I'd give everything I have for a moments still relief. 
Take care of her, wrap her in your leaves, 
Whisper words unspeakable in the colours that you fall. 

Take a pause, don't come tonight:
Don't rise or set again 
Tick on and leave us 
This day that no one wants. 

We remember your unfairness
Your spite, your sting, your song. 
Remind us of tomorrow,
Tell us again that you will pass. 

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

How not to be a bridesmaid: The Rules:

You need to like my fiancĂ©e,
But you'd better love my dress!
It has become my identity -
I keep its picture in my purse.

Hate my future mother in law,
But help her learn to like me. 
Show her my worth with the company I keep
And don't spare a thought for your dresses.

Know the difference between ivory and white
And whether that glass goes on the left or the right.
Wipe my tears, calm my fears - never, ever disagree.
Remind me why I chose you, by sharing all your views
- But never, I said never, ever disagree. 

Don't worry about your dresses,
That's all under control
I have contacts and colleagues, 
Classmates who will help.

Panic for me, jump for me,
Never ask me how high.
Let me hear yeses - without second guesses:
Because our thoughts are my thoughts - your thoughts exactly.

Understand the neurosis
Pick up on every whim.
Let bells chime all morning
Ignoring each and every crisis.

Keep smiling, keep quiet,
Keep me calm and carry on...
And definitely don't worry at all about your dresses.

Be comfortable and funny
Remember who you are.
Be generous, be kind
And lead us to the dance floor.

Be the reason you are here:
My beloved trusted friends.
Who have laughed with me and loved me
Even more so now than then.

Don't worry about your dresses,
They are my only gift to you.
A keep-sake of our friendship:
A memory just like you.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

I yawn

I sigh because there's nothing left to say
I yawn because there's something I need to hear.
Mixed emotions, mixing dreams
Wanting to be better, wondering if we can.
My hands do the talking but my words have no eyes
Nothing works, no one wins,
We just stay here unchanged.

A change is gonna come - but what if I don't.
Another digit, another stranger
One two and three, every day another four.
I felt lonely today, the consequences of me:
I sigh because there's nothing left to say
I yawn because I'm tired.

We fight. We fail. We learn how to fall
Changing times, moving lines,
Highs and lows:
Ebbs flow through minutes lost in thought.
A memory chimes, echoes in the night
Stirring the unfortunate, the ones left behind.

Tell me again why we have to go on.
Feed my love with candle light
So that I can finish this final sad song
I sigh ...
Because I sigh,
I yawn because you are gone.