A Kiss
C: Are you happy for me?
A: Why wouldn’t I be happy for you?
C: So you’re not.
A: I didn’t say that
C: So why don’t you answer me?
A: Yes. I’m happy for you.
C: I don’t believe you.
A: Then how do I win?
C: Actions speak louder than words
A kisses C – C pulls away.
A: Actions speak louder than words!
B: Why are you laughing at me?
D: I’m not. I love you (kisses B)
B: Stop it.
D: stop what?
B: This. Stop patronising me.
D: I’m patronising you. Great. Thanks. You really know how to ruin a moment.
B: You’re the one who’s laughing
D: (shouting) I’m not laughing! For gods sake stop being so stupid.
E: How much do you love me? What would you do for me?
G: Anything
E: like what?
G: I’d move the moon for you.
E: don’t be stupid.
G: I’m not. I’d move the moon and pluck a star from the sky......
E: Whatever?
G: Well what do you expect?
E: you to take me seriously for five minutes
G: If I say something romantic you’re pissed at me for being stupid. If I say something stupid you tell me to be serious. How can I win?
E: you’re not supposed to.
G: ok so I lose. That’s how much I love you.
E: ok.
G: I love you so much I’ll lose this dumb fight with you everyday for the rest of my life.
E: The rest of your life? (with a laugh) You wish.
G: I hope not. (kiss)
E: as if you could put up with it.
G: I’ll do more than put up with it. I’ll love it.
E: Me:
G: You. (kiss)
H brings F some flowers.
H: What did you do to deserve a boyfriend like me?
F: I just don’t know.
H: I do. (kiss) Thank you
F: what are you saying thank you for? You just got me these.
H: you let me.
F: well life is tough when I’m presented with beautiful flowers from a gorgeous man, but I’m coming to terms with it slowly.
H: I knew you’d cope. (kiss)
F: Will you bring me flowers when I’m old and wrinkly?
H: How wrinkly?
F: oi!! (Kiss) Really wrinkly.
H: Really, really wrinkly?
F nods.
H: Will you let me bring you flowers when I’m really wrinkly?
F: Maybe.
H: So maybe I’ll bring them.
C: You give me butterflies (kiss)
A: hmmmmm
C: Right here. (points to lower stomach)
A kneals down to kiss the area
A: only the most beautiful butterflies though.
C: (laugh) I can’t feel my fingers.
A: These fingers (holding her hands) They’re still here. I promise. Delicate and beautiful.
C: Stop it.
A: Stop what (stands up) telling you how amazing you are?
C: I’m only amazing when you look at me
A: bull shit
C: you’re my beautiful shoes.
A: your whar?
C: my beautiful shoes. They make me feel special.
A: you are special.
C: but I believe that when I’m wearing my beautiful shoes; when I’m looking at you.
A: couldn’t I be a more manly pair of shoes
C: like my running shoes?
A: well.....
C: what if I call you my doc martins?
A: you do not own a pair of doc martins.
C: I could.
A: someone who uses the phrase beautiful shoes, and uses it as much as you do would never own a pair of doctor martins.
C: whatever.